Registration opens up January 1st, 2025


We look forward to seeing your child play ball hockey in the 2025 season

The B.Q.M.B.H.L. provides an organized indoor environment (a hockey arena) where children 3 to 18 years old can play ball hockey with their team. We organize the teams, we provide officials and timekeepers....we even provide most of the goalie equipment.  You provide the great attitude and be ready to have a BALL!!!

This is the website for both the Quinte and the Belleville Minor Ball Hockey League.  The Quinte League plays out of the Trenton Community Gardens in Trenton, and the Belleville League plays out of the newly renovated Quinte Sports and Wellness Center.

The new season is approaching. Please sign up and pay online to guarantee yourself a spot in our League.

 Avoid the disappointment and sign up today! Why Wait?

Please take the time to ensure you are looking at the correct information for your particular League.

We are offering a streamlined registration process for the new Season.
Please click HERE to be linked to the Registration page
Please read the instructions carefully.

To see what night of the week you will be playing CLICK HERE
Email us here


BELLEVILLE Belleville Registration Form .pdf Download
QUINTE Registration form for Quinte .pdf Download

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